Color Measurement Center -
Color measurement center is the place for all colorists and people who are working on color instrumentation. We have prepare all necessary information on color measurement, color theory, how-tos, spectrophotometer and colorimetry.
General Physics - Physics is a site designed to help with general physics for high-school students and college students at AS, A2 or beyond. Many of the key concepts are illustrated using Flash demonstrations and experiments. A forum provides expert help.
Magnetism -
A series of articles pertaining to the science and technology of magnets and their properties, including the history of discoveries relating to magnets, which lead to the beginning of modern science.
Measurement Convert -
Convert the measurements/ Measurement Calculator for area, volume, distance, pressure, velocity, energy, performance/ power, temperature, time, and units relating to cooking and baking i.e. recipes. A fast and easy way to convert a value from one measurement unit to an other.
Micro Precision Test Equipment - Used | Refurbished | New Test Equipment Sales and Calibration -
Micro Precision Test Equipment offers used and refurbished test equipment and calibration. Multimeters, Power Supplies, Oscilloscopes, and amplifiers from different manufacturer. Call 1-530-268-1860 for assistance.
Optical Component Manufacturers | Optical Component Suppliers -
Optical component manufacturers and suppliers worldwide. Scientific Optical has over 30 years experience in the production of high quality optical componenents. Offering design, manufacture, in house coating and assembly of the finished product if required. The range is diverse, with micro optics from 1mm diameter to projection mirrors of 1 metre diameter.
Physics Crawler - The Physics Search Engine and Business Directory -
Physics Crawler makes searching the Web easy and delivers relevant results fast! Find exactly what you are looking for with One Click access to relevant videos, images, maps, news and more.
Psychic Training Course -
The Psychic Training Course is a website dedicated to helping people learn how to develop their psychic abilities and empower themselves to discover the latent psychic powers they have inside themselves.
Thermodynamics Lecture, Sample Problems and Application -
Serve as online lecture on Thermodynamics. Provides formulas, sample problems and application.