About the element -
Chemical information about the elements of the periodic table.
Chemistry Help -
Chemistry Homework Help offers chemistry tutoring services of any course levels. We cover general chemistry, organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry from high school to post-graduate level.
Chemistry Homework Help -
Chemistry Homework Clinic offers homework help on organic, inorganic and general chemistry courses for high school, college and graduate (post graduate) students. Our tutors from top schools can provide answers to your chemistry homework or course questions.
custom research -
Mayuka Labs, a start-up, is an integrated custom manufacturing company. It specializes in custom research, custom synthesis & custom manufacturing.
Electronic 16-Channel Pipettes -
ARTEL provides systems for pipette calibration, liquid handler verification and optimization, pipette technique training, certification, training seminars, multichannel pipette calibration integration and automation support for liquid handlers
Engineering Materials And Processes -
For over 60 years, the companies that formed Quadrant have been developing new materials to meet changing demands of our customers around the world.
Eurochlor Chlorine Information -
Chlorine information online - chlorine production and indepth information regarding chlor alkali, info about the chlorine industry and it's effects on the environment from Eurochlor.
Instrumente laborator -
Oferta de produse de o foarte buna calitate, corectitudinea de abordare a relatiei cu clientul, sistemul logistic foarte bine dezvoltat, au facut ca firma noastra sa se afle mereu in Topul furnizorilor de produse pentru laboratoare, cercetare si industrie. Punem la dispozitia dumneavoastra un pachet integrat de produse si servicii.
Polymer Identification -
FAI Materials Testing Laboratory is a full service analytical testing laboratory providing clients with materials, forensic, industrial, thermal, failure, environmental and chemical analysis services. Our technical professionals are increasingly called upon by clients to solve complex problems, answer questions, and respond to a wide spectrum of challenges from their customers, partners, and internal operations.
Quadrant - Custom Plastics -
Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products was the first provider of advanced plastic materials for machining. Many plastic products from Quadrant are Static-Dissipative, Strong and Heat Resistant.
Radiation Cured Coatings -
Radiation Cured Coatings or Ultra Violet-Electronic Beam Coatings enables energy savings are environmental free applied in aerospace & medical market
Sulfonic acid -
Nanjing Datang Chemical Co., Ltd. is specialized in the production of arene sulfonic acid, phenol and their derivatives, and has been granted import and export license.